Top 7 Instagram Hidden Tricks And Features

Top 7 Instagram Hidden Tricks And Features

We are all aware that Instagram is one of the most useful applications in the modern-day.  It is a great application for connecting with others and building a greater community of individuals who have similar interests as you. We always use Instagram on a regular basis, however, there are certain Instagram hidden tricks and features that we are unaware of. People are becoming smarter, and everyone should be aware of these Instagram hidden tricks and features.

In order to save time and perform things correctly. we’ve compiled a list of the Top 7 Instagram hidden tricks and features that no one knows about. These are some of the most effective and little-known techniques.

In this article, we will discuss about Top 7 Instagram hidden tricks and features

Hiding Your Story from someone

If you post stories on Instagram and are concerned that each one of your friends will see it, but you just want to share them with only a few people, Hiding Story is an Instagram hidden tricks and features . A hidden story is an option that prohibits users from seeing the story.

The steps to hide your Instagram story are mentioned below:

  • Click on the profile picture.
  • Click on the three-line
  • Then, select Privacy, and finally, select Story.
  • Choose the number of people.
  • Choose which friends and family you want to hide the story from, then click Done.

Scheduling Your Post

Scheduling the post is a feature that allows you to submit your video or pictures at a specific time. You can use this feature to set a deadline for your post and have it go live on Instagram at that time.

However, this schedule requires you to link your Instagram profile to the creator’s studio before you can schedule your Instagram post.

If you want to understand how to schedule an Instagram post, then follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Link the Creator Studio to your Instagram profile.
  • Select the post you want to schedule.
  • If you want to crop and caption, edit your post.
  • Click on Schedule after selecting the arrow next to the publish icon.
  • Choose a date and time.

Enter Instagram I’D

Filtering or disabling negative comments

On Instagram, you can block abusive or offensive comments from your profile posts. It includes automated blocking of offensive comments based on basic concepts, as well as the possibility to filter specific words based on your preferences. Here are all the steps to block or filter improper Instagram comments:

  • Navigate to your profile and choose Menu, then Settings.
  • In the menu, choose Privacy, then Comments.
  • Select hide Offensive Comments.
  • For advanced options, enable Manual Filters and then Select Commonly Reported Words to best restrict comments. To filter specific content, insert comma-separated phrases.

Creating stories with animated fonts

Instagram allows you to create interesting and one-of-a-kind stories by combining GIFs, stickers, and other elements. It does not, however, enable you to add animated text to your stories. Luckily, you can add animated text in your posts using third-party applications. You can also select a picture from your album by clicking on it.

Follow these steps in Hype Text to make your profile stand out:

  • Download and launch Hype Text, then choose Text Only.
  • To add text, choose the backdrop and double-tap.
  • To customize the effects, typefaces, and color, click on the first icon.
  • Click on the second icon to change the design and colors, the clock icon to adjust the animation speeds, and the music icon to add audio and music.
  • To save and publish on Instagram, click the check-in in the top-right corner.

Hide the likes and views count

Instagram has added a new feature that allows you to hide the Like and View count on your pictures and videos. Individuals will be unable to see how many likes and views have been received. It’s also great for those who don’t want to expose their engagements.

This functionality can be enabled or disabled on a per-post basis. For example, if you don’t want to reveal the likes of newly posted pictures, you can turn them off. If you don’t want to reveal the views of your first video, you can disable the count.

  • To access this feature, hover your mouse over the three dots in the top right corner of any picture or video.
  • Then choose either turn off like count or turn off like and view count.

 No one will be able to see how many likes or views a certain picture or video has received after this. This is useful in a variety of situations.

Checking Instagram messages without getting seen tag

This is especially worthwhile if you get a message and want to respond later and still want to check the message. Then you don’t need to install or use anything else. Simply follow the straightforward procedure.

  • Check your messages to see who has messaged you “
  • but do not read the message”.
  • Then you only need to navigate to the search bar.
  • Type the username of the person who messaged you below.
  • Go over to his account and select options.
  • Restrict the profile.
  • The profile will now be moved to the new Instagram messaging area.

Now all you have to do is go check what they messaged you. You will continue to get messages from them and will be able to view them, but the seen tag will not appear. When you’re ready to respond, just unrestricted them.

You just saw a message with no seen tag.

Hiding Old Instagram Posts

When you look at your old Instagram pictures, you may indeed be disheartened to realize that you received relatively few likes. Famous influencers can choose to not display their viewer’s old posts with small likes counts. As a result, they hide their previous postings from the general public. However, if you don’t want to hide your photos, you can purchase more Instagram likes. If you want to do so, go here to purchase from the best seller. Don’t want everyone to see your 13-year-old’s Instagram post, yet you don’t want to erase those wonderful memories? I have a surprise for you. You can use the “Archive” option to hide previous Instagram posts from your profile.

Follow the steps below to hide old Instagram posts

  • Navigate to your Instagram profile and find the post you want to hide.
  • Click on the three dots in the top right corner of the post to access the “Archive” button.
  • Your Instagram post has been hidden and is now just available to you.
  • Click the burger button in the upper right corner of the page to view all of your archived posts.
  • There, you can see all of your previous Instagram posts.
  • By selecting the “Show on Profile” button, you can recover them to your Instagram profile.


These Top 7 Hidden Instagram tricks and features, in my opinion, will revolutionize the way you use Instagram. You have now overtaken everyone else in intelligence. Because not everyone, or just a few individuals, is aware of these tricks.

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