How to Remotely Control Pc from android

In modern society, android smartphones are now becoming our companions. These are popular among teenagers due to their reasonable prices and cutting-edge features like high-quality cameras, large RAM capacity, high-speed CPUs, large storage sizes, and more.

Sometimes we are in a different place and need to control pc from android to check or edit important data or perform an action. In addition, sometimes a friend or family member needs advice on how to use a specific app.

As a result, we need to get access to their computer. We need a PC to access their computer, but we don’t always have one at the movement. As a result, we rely on the Android phone. Android phones are used to interact with the computer. There are different methods to control pc from android and one of the methods is to use Chrome Remote Desktop.

if you don’t know how to control pc from an android smartphone This article is for you. In this article, we’ll go through a step-by-step procedure for controlling pc from android using Chrome Remote Desktop.

Install the Chrome browser

If you use Firefox, Opera, or Safari as your web browser on your computer, you will first need to install the Chrome web browser on your computer. Simply go to and install it. If you already have the most current version of Chrome installed on your computer, skip this step and go to the next.

Open Chrome web store

Open the Chrome browser and then open Chrome web store and then in the Chrome web store search “chrome remote desktop”  Look for the Chrome Remote Desktop icon and double-click it to open it.

Remotely Control Pc

Grant permission

Make sure you’re logged into Chrome and chrome remote desktop using the account you normally use.

If you logged into the chrome browser and chrome remote desktop with the same account then just grant some permissions. the chrome browser will need some permission to access some aspects of your account. Give the go-ahead to continue. As soon as you provide permission, the setup procedure starts.

Select the type of remote access

Chrome Remote Desktop now allows you to set up remote access in one of two methods. Choose the first option if you want to get access to someone else’s computer, which is helpful for providing interactive tech support. Select the second option if all you need right now is access to your own computer.

We’ll choose the latter for now, but you can always return to this screen and set up access to someone else’s computer in the future.

Select your PIN

Finally you will need to create six – digit PIN, create a six-digit PIN that is easy to remember. This will be used to sign in on your Android smartphone.

Check the power settings (Windows)

Check your power settings before continuing with the Android setup. If your computer returns to sleep while you’re away from the home, you won’t be able to gain remote access. To get this screen in Windows, use the Start menu and search for “Power Options.”

Check the power settings (Mac)

On a Mac, go to System Preferences > Energy Saver and select the option for “Prevent computer from sleeping…” to ensure that it remains up during remote access.

Install the Android app

Chrome remote desktop

The second part of the setup takes place on Android, where you will be remotely accessing your PC. To start, download the Chrome Remote Desktop app from the Google Play Store.

Set up the Android app

The Chrome Remote Desktop setup is the same whether you’re using an Android phone or a tablet. When you start the Chrome Remote Desktop program, it will immediately search for any computers linked with your Google account.

If you don’t find your computer on the screen, keep in mind the email address at the top is the same one you used to install the program on your desktop.

Enter your PIN

You’re nearly there. Enter your PIN (the one you entered during the desktop setup process), and the screen will display.

Chrome remote desktop

How to Control Windows from an Android Smartphone

You should be able to view some or all of your Windows desktop after you’ve connected to Chrome Remote Desktop. You can now zoom in and out by pinch on your smartphone, which you’ll usually need to do to click on smaller elements.

To move a window, long-press on its top bar and drag your finger to the desired location. The cursor on your PC will be controlled by the touchscreen on your smartphone. This implies that it will serve as the computer’s trackpad. If you’d like it to behave like a touchscreen, so that you can tap on elements without first moving the cursor over them, slide down from the top of the screen and hit the mouse icon, which will transform into a finger. Tap once more to return to mouse control.

When you click on a text field, the smartphone’s native keyboard appears. It’s a quick way to make minor changes while you’re on the go. To input text in a Word document, you may have to manually bring up the keyboard, so scroll down from the top of the screen and press the keyboard icon.

By touching the three dots adjacent to the keyboard icon, you can also send the Ctrl-Alt-Delete message to the remote computer. This may be required to bring up the login page so that the Windows password can be entered. It’s also where you’ll find the Disconnect button, which will allow you to stop the session.


To summarize, Chrome Remote Desktop is very useful if you want to remotely access a PC from an Android phone or other mobile devices. You can also use this method to connect to a PC from another computer through the internet. If you need any help, please leave a comment below.

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