On Wednesday, Google launched the Pixel 6a phone, which is intended to be a more inexpensive counterpart of the company’s expensive Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro smartphones. The Google Pixel 6a was announced at Google I/O, and it differs significantly from its predecessors. It’s less costly relative to last year’s Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro, offering some of the same features while keeping the Pixel 5a’s pricing by keeping components like the display and primary cameras at a lower spec. Everything you need to know about this release is right here.
The new Pixel series phone has a 6.2-inch OLED panel with a pixel density of 424 PPI and a Full HD+ quality of 1080×2400 pixels. It is propelled by an octa Google Tensor processor, 8GB of RAM, and 128GB of non-expandable inbuilt storage. Continue reading for a review of everything Google has told us about the Pixel 6a and how it contrasts with its competition.
Price and release date for the Google Pixel 6a
Google will begin taking pre-orders for the Pixel 6a on July 21st, along with a full commercial sale on July 28th. Comparatively, it costs the same as the Pixel 5a and the Samsung Galaxy A53, and it costs somewhat more than the iPhone SE 2022 in the United States (where it costs $429), while it is less expensive in the United Kingdom (where it costs £429).
Google Pixel 6A Specifications
OLED Panel, Style, and Privacy & Security
The Google Pixel 6A features a 6.2-inch OLED display with a Full HD+ resolution of 1080 x 2400 pixels and a pixel depth of 424 PPI. The phone’s display has a punch hole arrangement with the front camera at the top center. The power switch and volume rocker are located on the phone’s right-hand side. On the gadget, the corporation provides several security measures. Face unlock operates via the front camera, and there is an on-screen fingerprint sensor incorporated underneath the display.
Cameras on the Google Pixel 6a
The Pixel 6a’s camera is older than the premium cameras seen in the Pixel 6 and 6 Pro. For the 6a, Google looks to be focused on the Tensor chip. For your photographic needs, the Pixel 6a boasts a 12.2MP primary camera, a 12MP ultrawide camera, and an 8-megapixel selfie camera on the front. Given Google’s superb camera software, which has proven itself across multiple generations of Pixel phones, the Pixel 6a’s sensors will capture amazing photographs.
Battery, Quick Charging, and Connectivity
For faster booting, Google has included the Pixel 6A with a 5000mAh battery, enabling rapid charging through USB Type C connectivity. Wi-Fi 6, 5G, Bluetooth 5.2, NFC, VoLTE, and GPS with GLONASS are all included on the smartphone. Google, on the other hand, doesn’t really think you should be concerned. According to official estimates, the 6a will last longer than a day under normal conditions and up to 72 hours under Ultra Battery Saver mode. The charging pace has not altered since last year. Although the Pixel 6 series gets a 30W fast charger, the Pixel 6a, like the Pixel 5a, can only be charged at up to 18W.
The Pixel 6a has recently been released, but we’re already thrilled about it. Following the competent but unsatisfying Pixel 5a, this year’s model seems to be a more lively smartphone, offering all of the Google-exclusive joys we sought. Furthermore, one of the reasons Google’s “a” series smartphones are so popular is that they have many of the photography features seen on its premium smartphone brands. The Pixel 6a, for example, retains Google’s Real Tone function, which is meant to capture diverse skin tones better.