Google’s Messages app is testing more new emoji reactions for RCS chats and SMS messages. It will also allow users to respond to messages using emojis other than thumbs up, heart eyes, laughter, horror, crying, and anger. However, Google has recently introduced additional emojis, similar to WhatsApp, Telegram, and Slack.

Users can respond to a text message with an emoji by just holding and pressing the message. This will provide people with more unique ways to convey their emotions. here is more about how Google Message users will soon be able to react using any emoji.
According to 9to5Google, the new emoji reactions on Google Messages are now restricted to a small group of beta users. However, after testing is done, it will most likely be released to all users shortly.
According to the source, users can respond to the RCS chat by simply clicking and holding an incoming message in the Google Messages app. The entire emoji picker is said to be displayed with a new addition icon in the emoji option.
According to the report, users can also press on the emoji in the corner of the reacted message to view the name of the recipient who reacted with it.
All of the names and emojis used by participants in a group conversation are supposed to be displayed in a pop-up prompt, similar to WhatsApp.
Google just changed the toggles for the Docs, Sheets, and Slides applications for Android. It’s shaped like a pill, and it enlarged the Material 3 (M3) switch. In addition, the tech giant has provided new color mappings as well as a wider and longer track. The revised toggle may be seen in the most recent version of Google’s Workspace application for Android.
The new Material You-themed toggle can be accessed under the Star, Suggested Changes, Print Layout, and Available Offline sections of the Editor’s Overflow Menu. Hope you like this article about Google Message users will soon be able to react using any emoji.